Asa Ransom House Butter Pecan Pastry

In 1799, the Holland Land Company offered lots 10 miles apart in what is now Clarence, New York, to "any proper man who would build and operate a tavern upon it". A young silversmith named Asa Ransom, had been plying his trade in the little fur trading post on the shores of Lake Erie. He was among the first to accept this opportunity and in the hollow of the ledge, near a pine grove, built a log home & tavern. In 1803, he built a grist mill, the first in Erie County. Over time, the business has evolved into a charming inn noted for it's authenticity, hospitality and cuisine. Chilling time not included in preparation time. Show more

Ready In: 55 mins

Serves: 12-16




  1. To make pastry: combine first three ingredients; blend well.
  2. Add water and mix well.
  3. Cover and refrigerate at least two hours or overnight.
  4. Preheat oven to 375F and butter a cookie sheet or pizza pan.
  5. To make filling, beat sugar and butter until fluffy; add flour and pecans and blend well.
  6. Divide pastry dough into two portions; roll our one portion into a 10" circle and place onto prepared baking sheet.
  7. Spread filling to one inch from edge.
  8. Roll our remaining portion of dough into another 10" circle; brush edge with water, place on top of filling and press/crimp edge attractively.
  9. Brush top with beaten egg.
  10. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown.
  11. Cut into wedges to serve and garnish with a dollop of hard sauce.
  12. To make hard sauce: Combine all ingredients and beat well.
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