Ari's Eggs and Onions and Salmon and Cream Cheese

I wanted to make my son a quick delicious breakfast. All the recipes I saw for eggs and salmon were for lots of people, and too complicated or time-consuming. So we whipped this up with what we had in the kitchen, and he's eating it right now! The cream cheese makes the eggs moist and creamy. He liked it so much that I couldn't even take a picture before he had started eating it! (Sorry for the poor quality of the photograph; I was afraid if I took the time to find my camera, the omelet would be gone, so I had to take it with my cell phone!) And yes, the bagel is homemade, too! Show more

Ready In: 7 mins

Serves: 1




  1. Break eggs into mixing bowl. Add cream cheese and whisk together (as much as possible). It will probably take on the consistency of cottage cheese.
  2. In a small skillet or omelet pan, melt butter or margarine and add onion. Cook until translucent and starting to brown on the edges.
  3. Pour egg/cream cheese mixture into pan (over onions). As eggs set, pull in towards center a few times to distribute the egg in the pan.
  4. Add salmon. If making this as an omelet, put salmon on one side of the eggs only. Otherwise, distribute it over the entire pan of eggs.
  5. For omelet, fold in half.
  6. Place on plate (preferably next to a yummy toasted bagel). Garnish with chives.
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