Apple Confit (Pate)

This can be a side dish to meat, or a dessert. Don't let the long directions scare you, only 3 ingredients, its not difficult. Bake time is long so plan accordingly. Since it sits for 24 hours, then chills after baking I would suggest making it 2 days before serving. Times do not include sitting time. Show more

Ready In: 6 hrs 40 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Put 1 cup sugar in a small pot, melt, stirring constantly over low heat and cook until golden brown. (only takes a few minutes) Pour sugar into a 9x5 loaf pan or 3 inch deep, 9 inch round cake pan being sure to coat bottom well.
  2. Zest orange into long thin strips. Place in saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Drain, refresh under cold water then drain again.
  3. Peel apples, halve and core. Cut into 1/8-inch thick slices. Keep neatly stacked. Using flat pieces only (discard round ends) place a layer neatly into bottom of loaf pan. Cover with another layer keeping as neat as possible. Press down to even them out. Sprinkle with a bit of sugar, then some zest. Repeat adding sugar and zest every 2-3 layer.
  4. Continue to build layer 3-4 inches above edge of pan keeping lines straight.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap then wrap entirely in aluminum foil. Place in a shallow tray to catch drippings. Let sit for 24 hours.
  6. Drain juice and unwrap pan. Re-wrap in double layer aluminum foil. Place in a large deep roasting pan, fill pan ½ up the sides of pan with water. Bake at 300ºF for 5-6 ½ hours. It is done when it fills about ¾ of the mold, apples are dark brown and a knife passes easily through.
  7. Unwrap, cool and let chill for several hours. Slice thinly and serve.
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