
Simple buns, which have to proof only one time.

Ready In: 1 hr 18 mins

Yields: 15 buns




  1. Crumble the yeast into a bowl. Melt the butter and pour it to the milk. Pour the milk/butter to the yeast and stir till it is melted. Add the salt and syrup. Add the flour little by little.
  2. Fill the dough into small cupcake-forms and place them on a baking-plate. Press a dent into the buns. Mix the apple puree and vanilla and fill it into the hole.
  3. Let the buns proof for 30-40 minutes.(do not cover with a towel as the filling is very sticky).
  4. Brush them with a mixed egg and sprinkle with the topping .
  5. Bake them in the middle of the oven at 250°C - around 8 minutes.
  6. Let them cool off (with out towel). Can be put into the freezer.
  7. When they are filled into the forms- they will look like you have done something wrong- but after proofing they will look fine.
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