Amish Sugar Cookies With Frosting

this came from an old Amish cookbook...have not tried these yet..but wanted to keep the recipe on file..I find it intriguing about heating the sugar and water to make frosting..can't wait to try it.. Show more

Ready In: 24 hrs 9 mins

Yields: 4 DOZEN




  1. Cream sugar, crisco and eggs, add sour cream and vanilla.gradually blend in remaining ingredients.mix well.cover and refrigerate overnight --
  2. drop by tspful on ungreased cookie sheet --
  3. flatten slightly with bottom of sugar coated glass --
  4. bake at 3508 for 9-11 minutes --
  5. cool completely on wire rack.
  6. to prepare FROSTING:.
  7. add sugar and water to a small saucepan, bring to a boil, stir and boil till sugar dissolves, remove from heat and pour into a medium bowl, set aside to cool to lukewarm --
  8. blend in powdered sugar, mix well, add crisco and vanilla and blend till smooth and creamy.
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