Almond Smoothie - Steak Shake

Anyone who likes smoothies should try almond milk - not just those who are trying to avoid cow's milk. Almonds are extremely rich in protein and iron, even more so than red meat (so I've heard). That's why we sometimes call this a "steak shake." It's so yummy and easy to make, and it sustains us all morning. Show more

Ready In: 5 mins

Serves: 2


  • 12 cup  raw  almonds
  • 2  cups water
  • 2  tablespoons soymilk (optional ( makes it creamy)
  • 3  teaspoons carob powder (or choc milk powder if you wish)
  • 2  ripe bananas
  • 6  ice cubes


  1. place almonds in blender with water and leave overnight (if you forget this step, just do it all in the morning. It still works great.).
  2. In morning, blend mixture on high for 3 minutes.
  3. Add soy milk, carob powder and bananas (whole is fine). Blend 1 minute.
  4. Add ice, blend half a munute.
  5. Pour and enjoy!
  6. LeChaim!
  7. Have a great almond-powered day.
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