Alabama Camp Stew

This recipe makes a very thick stew that's really good to eat on cold winter days. I've been eating this stew since I was a very small child and it's Dee-lish! It does take a while to make (I'm estimating on the cook time), but definitely worth it. I like to serve cornbread with this stew. Show more

Ready In: 3 hrs 30 mins

Serves: 8




  1. Combine all meat in a large dutch oven.
  2. Add enough water to cover the meat.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook meat until tender.
  4. Take the meat out of the liquid.
  5. Remove any bones and grind meat.
  6. Add the potatoes, tomatoes and onions to the liquid in the dutch oven.
  7. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes begin to fall apart.
  8. After the vegetables are done, add the meat.
  9. Cook, stirring, over low heat until well combined.
  10. Add the ketchup, lemon juice, worcestershire sauce and seasonings to taste.
  11. Simmer for 1 hour.
  12. Stir frequently to prevent the stew from sticking to the bottom of the dutch oven.
  13. Add the corn and simmer for 20 additional minutes.
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