Achiote Paste

This is an old family favorite. It is easy, can be frozen for future use, and is ten times better than the store bought junk. Use this for my Cochinita Pibil recipe. Show more

Ready In: 5 mins

Yields: 4 Tablespoons




  1. Put all ingredients into a spice grinder, and grind until you have a fine powder.
  2. Take the powder and put it into a bowl and add teaspoons of water at a time until you get a thick paste which binds together, in a putty like consistency.
  3. Separate into Tablespoon size portions and freeze individually.
  4. When you want to use it, mix the TB size portion with 10 cloves of garlic crushed, and 4 TB Seville orange juice and marinade pork or chicken overnight.
  5. Some might say to add tequila, but that is an Americanization of this Yucatecan specialty.
  6. *NOTE* You can find them at most Mexican grocers, and maybe even at your Lucky's or Safeway.
  7. Annato seeds are very, very hard, and are difficult to grind with a mortar and pestle, use the grinder or it won't make a paste.
  8. They DO, and WILL stain your grinder, and anything you happen to spill it on, be careful.
  9. You can double, or multiply this recipe as you wish, and I usually make enough for a year's worth.
  10. About 4x this recipe.
  11. It freezes very well, and will last the year in the freezer no problem.
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