Teriyaki, Dijon Pork Tenderloin W/ Mushrooms/Onion/Baked Apple

"My entry into the 2009 Canadian Living Magazine Cook of the Year Contest. The recipe did not make the cut, but it is tasty and certainly worthy of sharing. You will note the absence of salt and/or pepper. I am thinking there is sufficient sodium and seasonings in the Teriyaki sauce and Dijon Mustard to justify eliminating additional seasoning from the recipe.... Salt/Sodium should never overpower other ingredients. If additional salt is requested, by all means, do provide it, but suggest that they taste first, and salt second. Pork Tenderloin can be purchased from your local supermarket in packages of two tenderloins, weighing approximately one kilo. This is usually sufficient for a dinner serving 4. This recipe was originally developed to serve 8; you will therefore require two packages of pork tenderloin - 2 loins per package..... As they say in Ontario "PUT PORK ON YOUR FORK"."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1hr 30mins




  • Oven 350°F.
  • Peel, core and rough chop the apple. In a small, covered sauce pan add 1/3 C water and chopped apple. Over medium/low heat, cook into unsweetened apple sauce. If the apple sauce is a bit lumpy, that's OK; it will cook down during the roasting process. Mix well, then set aside for later use.
  • Clean and quarter mushrooms.
  • Add about 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil to a saute pan deep enough to hold all the mushrooms, with stems, and sliced onion. Over medium heat, clarify onion; add mushrooms and garlic; cover the pan, and allow to saute, for about 5 minutes.
  • Add rubbed sage to mushroom/onion mixture and combine well. Remove from heat.
  • In a mixing bowl, place honey, teriyaki sauce, Dijon mustard; add unsweetened apple sauce (which you had set aside).
  • Add mushrooms and onion to honey mixture and mix well.
  • Add additional olive oil to same frying pan and brown pork tenderloin on all sides.
  • Arrange pork tenderloin in oval, roasting pan with a cover. Roasting pan should comfortably accommodate all 4 tenderloins. Pour prepared mushroom/onion mixture over tenderloins in roasting pan. Cover and bake one hour.
  • When done, remove tenderloin from roasting pan to warmed serving platter. Cover with foil and allow to sit for about 10 minutes. Return roasting pan to low heat on stove top, to keep the sauce hot.
  • Carve each tenderloin in half. You will have 8 tenderloin pieces, 6 to 8 oz. each. Arrange on warmed serving platter and spoon mushroom/onion sauce over the meat. Arrange cherry tomatoes around the serving platter; garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs.
  • Serve with rice, orzo, potatoes, and vegetables of your choosing; additional sauce in a gravy boat would not go amiss.

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  1. AWESOME! Made this for a special weekend supper back in early February and yes the word I kept hearing was - awesome! Made as posted, wouldn't change a thing. When one gets requests for a repeat before the platter is empty, you know you have a winner. Another ER recipe into my Family Favourites.
  2. This was really fantastic! I used a granny smith apple, and followed the recipe exactly. Perfect. :). Thank you for posting a terrific recipe that I'll be using again!
  3. Well Miss Diva - you may not have won the Canadian Living contest but you're still the "Cook of the Year" in my books! Aside from scaling down to 4 servings, I followed the recipe. The combination of teriyaki & sage is perfect for tenderloin; the sauce was also delicious on plain white rice. I recommend using a granny smith apple for its firmer texture. Thanx for posting ER!


<p>Gone, but not Forgotten. Where is she? someone asked. Not far was the loud response. Certainly not hiding in a large roasting pan, although I do have one about the size of a hog. <br /> <br />If I don't do this now, I never will, and if I never will, who will tell me if I am any good at the literature game? I am taking some time off to concentrate on writing a book...and you people have been distracting me. Oh yeah, sez you... What kinda book? Well, one with about 200 pages, give or take a dozen or so... maybe 300 who knows? Everyone knows Toolie has a lot to say at the best of times. <br /> <br />A DIY book??? Naaahhh, I'll leave that to the real mechanics at Canadian Tire and Home Depot. <br /> <br />A Recipe Book? Yeah, Right!!!! Like I would compete with this site or any other... Not in this lifetime... I have a tough enough time competing with some of you chefs, so I just don't, and won't. <br /> <br />Oh sure, I will cook some of your recipes, for special occasions. Pictures? Who knows? but don't hold your breath. Posting in the forums? Perhaps, but not on a regular basis... Posting recipes??? from time to time.... <br /> <br />Why hang around, you say? Because I wanna keep my terrific handle. There is only one TOOLBELT DIVA folks... Dat Be Me! <br /> <br />Remember, be careful what you say, you might find yourself in the second paragraph of page 150, or thereabouts. <br /> <br />In October, 2007 my youngest sister, Marie lost her battle with ALS. In her memory, therefore, I post the following: <br /> <br />SISTERS <br /> <br />Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes. Hearts break. Parents die. Careers end. Life happens ... <br /> <br />BUT...... Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. <br /> <br />When you have to walk beside one dear to you in that lonesome valley, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf. <br /> <br />They will walk beside you, share your sorrow and share your tears, knowing all the while God is there with you, to give you the strength and faith you need and the everlasting blessings of healing love. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE HAPPEN IN THE WORLD (M. Gandhi) <br /> <br />IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE (Georges Eliot) <br /> <br />THAT WHICH WE PERSIST IN DOING BECOMES EASIER, NOT THAT THE TASK ITSELF HAS BECOME EASIER, BUT THAT OUR ABILITY TO PERFORM IT HAS IMPROVED. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) <br /> <br />Have fun everyone! Remember, look out for the guy in back of the guy in front of you!!!</p>
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