Prawns in Cream Sauce (Iceland)

"When I turned the pg of *Cool Cuisine* (Traditional Icelandic Cuisine) by Nanna Rognvaldardottir & read this recipe, it made me so hungry that I went straight to my kitchen for some food! Per her intro, "This is a luxurious dish! Altho langostines, prawns & other crustaceans now enjoy great popularity in Iceland, this has not always been the case. They were not commonly eaten a few decades ago, but Icelanders discovered these delicacies in a big way in the 1970s & have been making up for their earlier neglect ever since." This recipe has me thinking I should join their mission for our next spec occasion! (Time does not include the 30 min refrigeration time) *Enjoy* !"
photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm
photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm
photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm
photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm
photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm photo by Andi Longmeadow Farm
Ready In:




  • Split prawns lengthwise w/a sharp knife, without completely separating the halves.
  • Melt 3 tbsp of butter w/the crushed garlic, salt + pepper & brush the prawns w/it. Chill for 30 min under refrigeration.
  • Seed & chop the bell peppers & slice the mushrooms. Melt the remaining 2 tbsp of butter in a lrg non-stick frying pan, saute peppers & mushrooms for a few minutes & remove to a dish.
  • Place prawns in the frying pan (cut side down) & fry for 2-3 min (in batches if necessary). Drizzle the brandy over them & ignite it.
  • When the flame dies down, add the cream + veggies & simmer for 2 minutes. Serve immediately.
  • To Serve: Serve 5 prawns per person w/an equal amt of veggies & sauce over toast points lightly brushed w/garlic-infused olive oil or garlic butter.

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  1. Hey Twissis - this was just great and sooo easy to put together. The only thing I changed was I halved the recipe as there are only two of us and instead of toast, I heated up vol-au-vent cases and served the mixture in the cases. I thought I would have some left over but we made pigs of ourselves. Didn't have brandy so I used Cognac. It still worked! How do you think some grated lemon rind and fresh parsley would go with it? I may try it next time. Made for ZWT6
  2. WOW....This was really good, and really EZ. I made this and served it over multigrain pasta. It looked really nice with the tails sticking up in the air while they flamed. (Actually, I thought it looked really cool the first time, so I double flamed them using approx 1/4 c brandy...But I was cooking 2 lbs all in one pan) Also, since I did not know if I should use light, or heavy cream I went with the light. It worked well because I added a good amount of Parmaggiano Reggiano into the sauce. This will definatly be added to our "TO MAKE AGAIN" list...Thanks
  3. My whole family really liked this recipe, I used sherry in place of brandy as I didn't have brandy. I will definitely make this again. Thanks for the great tasting easy recipe
  4. Prawns and cream AND from Iceland? Pawshaw.....this is a perfect dish in all aspects. You just can't go wrong when putting this delightful group of ingredients together. This made a light farm supper for Dennis tonight, as he had off for holiday, and he wanted something tasty, light, and tempting. This touched, no; actually fell, into all the categories ~ AND since he just adores any recipe twissis posts I knew it was going to be a winner from the start. Honestly, this worked together so fast, I could hardly believe it. I put the veggies in get soft, the shrimp, the brandy, POOF! nice live flame there, very professional and then the cream. Maybe it took 6 minutes (after you marinade the shrimp) to finish the dish, and I put daintily on the plate added some rice and done. Wow, another winner, twissis. You are the best, and I thank you for posting!


I am an American transplanted from Dallas to Iceland by marriage to a native Icelander & I retired to become his "Kitchen Queen". We love to entertain our family & friends, so I have an eclectic collection of recipes. I especially love simple, easy-fix, flexible & make-ahead recipes - BUT also like challenging myself on occasion. I enjoy baking & food photography. I am devoted to the "More is Always Better Principle" & apply it liberally to bacon, butter & garlic. I can have ingredient issues due to availability here in Iceland & my DH is medically diet-restricted from some ingredients as well. Either situation might require me to modify a recipe, but I will do my best to be true to your recipes & fair/honest in my reviews. Mary Pat (aka twissis)
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