Oatmeal Lacies

"These cookies are tasty, thin, and crispy. This recipe is the easiest I have tried. Almost fool proof (unless you over bake them)."
photo by Brenda. photo by Brenda.
photo by Brenda.
Ready In:
30-40 cookies




  • In a blender or food processor, blend 1 cup quick oats to a flour like consistancy.
  • In a mixer, combine:oat flour" and brown sugar.
  • In a separate bowl combine egg, vanilla, butter, and salt, mix well.
  • Slowly pour"wet" mixture into"dry" mixture, mix to a thick batter consistancy.
  • Stir in remaining 1/2 cup oats, mix well.
  • Drop by level teaspoonfulls onto greased cookie sheet about 2-3" apart (do not put them any closer, they spread very thin).
  • Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes, or untill edges start turning golden brown.
  • Remove from cookie sheet while still warm (do not leave them on cookie sheet, or they will harden to the bottom and you will have to re-heat them to soften them) and transfer to a wire cooling rack.
  • Re-grease pan each time.

Questions & Replies

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  1. These are yummy! I have to agree with one reviewer that the "dough" was way too soft. As a precaution I did grind up an extra 3/4 cup of oats and left them off to the side until everything was mixed up. I added the extra oats and 1/2 chopped pecans- YUM! The sweet brown sugar taste was delicious in these chewy cookies. I used parchment paper to line my pans and then cooled the cookies on the pans for about 4 minutes. They lifted right off. Made for Spring PAC 2009
  2. I couldn't get the consistency right with these. I had to add flour because it was too watery and even then they spread too much. I couldn't serve them to my guests beacuse they covered the whole cookie sheet, however they sure tasted good when DH and I ate them alone.
  3. Very good and easy to make. What I did was split the batch into 3 parts. The frist part I mixed in 1 tablespoon of cocoa. In the second I put 1 tablespoon of honey. The last I left alone. I think I like the honey ones the best. I did not try cocoa and honey maybe next time.



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