Chicken-"un" Noodle Soup (Vegan)

"A great way to enjoy an old favorite, minus the chicken! Frozen, cubed tofu is used to mimic the chicken and impart protien into this wonderful, cold-chasing soup. Easy enough for a beginner chef, too."
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Ready In:
1hr 20mins




  • (Note: A day ahead of time, you will wish the place the block of tofu, still in it's original store packaging, in the freezer until frozen solid. On the day you plan to make this soup, remove the tofu from the freezer and allow it to thoroughly defrost. Prep time does not include freezing.).
  • Add first 12 ingredients to a large stock pot. Bring to a low boil.
  • Once the soup is boiling, remove the tofu from it's packaging and drain. You may wring out the block of tofu like a sponge, ensuring that it is as dry as possible, before cutting it into small dice and adding it to the stock pot.
  • Once the vegetables have attained your prefered doneness, add the dry pasta to the pot. Cook until pasta is 'al dente' (aproximately 5-7minutes), remove soup from heat, add Braggs (if using) and serve!

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<img src=""> Pescetarian, lovin' the hippie-eats, learned to cook authentic Japanese fare in Kyoto! Okay, I figured I should add a bit to the above, so here goes: I'm a on-air personality on a radio station in the city where I live. My girlfriend and I recently bought an art gallery and are in the midst of remodelling the lofts above it for a living space. My girlfriend and I travel frequently - we just got back from a three week trip to Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil - and I love to pick up recipes as I go. We've been vegetarian (although we eat fish) for about a year and a half and I absolutely love it. We eat tons of fresh veggies and fruit and pasta and grains and a moderate amount of fish...and I can't imagine ever craving meat in my diet again! My family are a very meat-and-potatoes type of mid-western, so they are absolutely baffled by this. I think they must imagine what goes on their dinner-plates (Steak, a few pieces of broccoli, a baked potato) and wonder how we can survive on what's left after you remove the meat. Luckily, I'm a pretty good cook - no, make that a very daring cook! No fear! - and my girlfriend is kind of human garbage disposal. Seriously, she's never met an obscure ethnic dish she didn't like. So, that's it for now.
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