Berries in Champagne Jelly

"This is very fancy-looking served in wine glasses. Champagne-based gelatin dessert with strawberries and blueberries. Posted for ZWT 2006. Time does not include allowing the gelatin to refrigerate until set."
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Izy Hossack photo by Izy Hossack
photo by Sara 76 photo by Sara 76
photo by Sara 76 photo by Sara 76
Ready In:




  • In a bowl, pour 2 cups champagne or sparkling white wine, and allow the bubbles to subside.
  • Sprinkle the gelatine over the top in an even layer. Leave until the gelatine is spongy - do not stir.
  • Place the remaining champagne in a large saucepan. Add the sugar, lemon and orange rinds, and heat gently, stirring until all sugar is dissolved.
  • Remove the pan from the heat. Add the gelatine mixture and stir until thoroughly dissolved. Leave the jelly to cool completely, then remove the lemon and orange rind.
  • Divide the strawberries and blueberries among eight 1/2 cup wine glasses or clear bowls and pour the jelly over them.
  • Chill until the jelly has fully set. Remove from the fridge 15 minutes before serving.

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  1. Definitely dinner-party material! This is just so elegant-looking and not at all difficult to make. I used Prosecco for the sparkling wine and also added some small cubes of melon, along with the strawberries and the last of my blueberries. Delicious, cooling...perfect!
  2. these were fantastic! i absolutely loved them! they tasted and looked divine! they are presented so nicely! i am going to serve these the next time i have a nice dinner or a buncha girlfriends over! i am absolutley in love with this recipe! only thing i did differently was instead of using the rinds, i just zested the orange and lemon, then strained it when the mixture cooled!


30 THINGS ABOUT ME: 1. I taught myself how to cook out of self-defense. (Mom hated cooking, and her "specialty" was "Liver and Onions") 2. I love to cook. 3. I think eating's pretty fun, too. 4. I enjoy many different cuisines. 5. Organ meat isn't one of them. 7. I was born in New Jersey. 8. I'm Italian. 9. The only Italian words I know are bad ones. 10. I'm married to a wonderful man who loves trying new recipes. 12. I have 5 beautiful children...and the pictures to prove it. ;) 13. I hate doing laundry. 14. I do it anyway because I hate dirty clothes even more. 15. I used to work in Marketing. 16. My favorite color is purple. 17. I like the black jelly beans best. 18. I have a weakness for dark chocolate. 19. I love penguins. 20. My favorite pets are cats. 21. We have a pet turtle. 22. I can drive a stick (manual transmission). 23. I can juggle (nothing sharp or on fire). 24. I love gardening. 25. I hate garden-eating bugs. 26. My hobby is black and white photography. 27. I enjoy public speaking. 28. I like creating fun, innovative cakes. 29. I once made a soundboard cake for a DJ's wedding. It even lit up. 30. I live in Texas, but I don't say, "y'all." 31. I've always wanted to visit New Zealand. 32. I read a lot. 33. I use vegan-certified skin care products. 34. I'm not religious, but I have a personal relationship with Jesus. 35. Okay, so I have more than thirty things...never was much good with numbers! <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src="" width=80%> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src="" width=90%> <img src="">Oh bother!Take this <a target="quizilla" style="color:rgb(128,0,128)" href="">quiz</a>! <a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="Hit Counters"></a> <a href="">Budget</a> <a href="">Car Rentals</a>
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