Avocado Butter With Baby Shrimp Sandwiches

"The easiest way to prepare this sandwich is to buy frozen cooked baby shrimp. Defrost them in the refrigerator overnight and drain before marinating. The cucumber slices are salted before using to draw out their juices, which would otherwise make the sandwich soggy. By Lucy Waverman for Food and Drink. Cook time is "resting" time for cucumbers."
photo by AmandaInOz photo by AmandaInOz
photo by AmandaInOz
photo by katia photo by katia
Ready In:




  • Beat together butter, avocado, lemon juice, chili powder and salt in a bowl.
  • In a second bowl, marinate the baby shrimp with lemon juice, olive oil, hot pepper sauce and salt to taste.
  • Lightly sprinkle salt on cucumber slices and let sit for 20 minutes.
  • Pat cucumber dry with paper towels.
  • Cut bread in half and spread slices with avocado butter. Top with overlapping cucumber slices and pile shrimp on top. Garnish with a watercress sprig.
  • Repeat for remaining sandwiches.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Yummy in the tummy, ~Leslie~. Made for a nice quick lunch today. The avocdo butter is TDF! Just wish I was able to get English cukes. Thnx, so much, for sharing your recipe, ~Leslie~. Made for PAC Spring 2010. You've been adopted! http://www.recipezaar.com/bb/viewtopic.zsp?t=327498&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  2. We loved this,will make again.Thanks.
  3. This made an excellent lunch! We loved the lemon and chili flavours with the avocado and shrimp, tangy and zesty! I served it on some fresh sourdough bread, which complimented the recipe nicely. Yum. Thanks Leslie!
  4. A very good vegetarian sandwiche so refresing and so tasty. I enjoyed it without changing anything. I used frozen shrimp and at the second one I added some arugula. The cucumber was perfect with the avocado butter. One of my co-workers asked for the recipe at once. Thanks Leslie for posting! Its a keeper!


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