
A native of Australia, from the Australian tree. It is a highly versatile and nutritious flavouring. Iit is made by roasting the Acacia seeds. When roasted it has a flavour of coffee, chocolate and hazelnut. Wattleed is used often to flavor ice cream and certain desserts. When paired with other spices such as coriander, it gives off a pleasant, barbeque taste in meat and seafood such as salmon and tuna.
It can be found also in an extract form. Only small parts of the wattleseeds are edible. Wattleseed is used world wide many chefs. The product today is commonly known as Cherikoff Wattleseed. Cherikoff Wattleseed is well suited for a wide range of dishes, sauces and condiments. Either in dry form or as the liquid extract. It can be used in many dishes such as: Pancakes, waffles, crumpets, scones, bagels.
There is a fast growing demand for Wattleseed. It is currently being harvested in Melrose- Wilmington- Booleroo. Commercially harvested in Australia.


available year-round

How to select

Available in specialty shops or online, and year round.

Popular Wattleseed Recipes
