Kathy #1 - Chicken Corn Soup (Zwt - Asia)

"My sister, Kathy, gained her Asian cooking expertise 1st-hand when she, her DH & her in-laws lived in Taiwan for a time. This is the 1st of several recipes she considers her favorites. Her source for this so tasty & easy to fix soup was "Wei-Chuan Cookbook" by Huang Su Huei."
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
Ready In:
8 1 cup servings


  • 4 ounces chicken breasts
  • 1 egg white
  • 6 cups chicken stock
  • 2 cups creamed corn
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 12 teaspoon black pepper
  • 12 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 14 cup cornstarch
  • 2 egg whites (beaten with fork)
  • 1 ounce ham (minced) (optional)


  • Finely chop chicken breast. Mix w/1 egg white & 1/2 cup water. Set aside.
  • Heat stock & next 5 ingredients.
  • Add chicken mixture & bring to a boil.
  • Add cornstarch mixed with 1/4 cup water.
  • Slowly add beaten egg whites while stirring soup constantly. Add ham if desired & serve.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Excellent! I used homemade chicken stock and some leftover roasted chicken that I made a couple of days ago. I cut the chicken bits a bit big so it sank to the bottom of the bowl, but never nind it tasted great. I saw fresh corn in the supermarket and it's not readily available and when it is its often not looking it's best becuase they insist on peeling back whole chunks of corn husk, so it dries out really fast. I went a little overboard and bought up a bundle of them since these looked fresher than most I have seen and now I'm on a sweetcorn binge. Creamed corn isn't easy to find here but thats easily solved by cutting the corn off the husk, cookig it gently in a tiny amount of water, sugar and butter and then taking the stick blender to it. WOW I enjoyed my lunch today. Please see my rating system: 5 stars for an easy and great taste of fresh corn and chicken at their best, Thanks!
  2. The soup is quick, easy, low-fat, and really tasty! It reminds me of egg drop soup from Chinese restaurants. I added a little more chicken and omitted the ham because I was out of it. I didn't do anything from scratch. I bought pre-made chicken stock, a rotisserie chicken from my grocery store (Kroger), and creamed corn. I made a lot of short-cuts, but it was still delicious! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Really great soup, twiss, this similar the corn soups served at Asian restaurants, I did increase the chicken breast amount, thanks for sharing hon!...Kitten :)
  4. For those who couldn't handle the salt there's an easy remedy: use low sodium stock and omit the added salt.
  5. Five-star all the way! Easy, tasty, low in calories and very versatile. I added a dash of onion powder and a little more salt. The canned cream corn I chose had tough kernels, so I'm going to look for a brand that has a tender 'chew'. Others' remarks about adding bits of other veggies/meats sound very good...it's such a delicious base soup that all kinds of alterations would do well.


  1. I added the diced ham as recommend and felt like it really brought out the flavor in the soup. Also topped it with fresh chives for a bit of color.


I am an American transplanted from Dallas to Iceland by marriage to a native Icelander & I retired to become his "Kitchen Queen". We love to entertain our family & friends, so I have an eclectic collection of recipes. I especially love simple, easy-fix, flexible & make-ahead recipes - BUT also like challenging myself on occasion. I enjoy baking & food photography. I am devoted to the "More is Always Better Principle" & apply it liberally to bacon, butter & garlic. I can have ingredient issues due to availability here in Iceland & my DH is medically diet-restricted from some ingredients as well. Either situation might require me to modify a recipe, but I will do my best to be true to your recipes & fair/honest in my reviews. Mary Pat (aka twissis)
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